NFL Picks

Saturday, October 07, 2006



There's way too many games scheduled and I'm not going to post them all. I'll run my numbers and post my picks giving you my line and the betting line. Unplayable games won't be posted:

Navy..........................................2..........................Air Force.......................Navy...................28

W.Virginia................................21.........................Mississippi.................... W.Virginia.........32


Texas...................................... 4...........................Oklahoma.......................Texas...................44



That's six plays, all of them I'd label as best bets. To clarify the picks:

Take Navy over Air Force.

W.Virginia over Mississippi.

USC over Washington.

Texas over Oklahoma.

Akron over Cincinnati.

S.Carolina over Kentucky.

Three plays stand out as especially good. Texas over Oklahoma, South Carolina over Kentucky and Navy over Air Force. If these three cover then I'm really on to something. If overall I'm 66% or better picking today I'll keep posting these. Otherwise, I'll just stay with the pros.

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