NFL Picks

Sunday, October 29, 2006



I'm not sure which coach is the bigger idiot. Parcells seems to have done the right thing by inserting Tony Roman (or whatever his name is) in as quarterback. Or is John Fox so stupid that blitzing a new quarteback in a critical game never occurred to him? I'm writing this and Dallas is leading 28-14. Bad news for Carolina, good news for me. I predicted a Dallas meltdown and turns out I was wrong (today). Just sets me up for next week. I've realized a few (lot) of weakness in my previous selection method which did serve me well at the start of the season, but, past the midway point it's time to adjust. Now, line be damned, I don't need it. Here are next weeks picks. Don't worry about the spreads, they'll only help you either way:

Early games:

Miami and Chicago: Perfect game, take Miami and whatever points you get. This game will be close.

Atlanta and Detroit: Likewise. Right now everyone is going to be high on Michael Vick. Three great weeks in a row? Don't think so. You should be getting a bushel of points here.

Dallas and Washington: What a set-up. I can't begin to imagine what the line's gonna be, but, Washington won't play as stupid as Carolina. Unless they're giving Dallas 14 or more take Washington.

Tampa Bay and New Orleans: The Saints will roll, Tampa's done. Give all the points you want.

Afternoon games:

Denver and Pittsburgh: Another set-up. Take the Steelers. So they lost to Oakland and Denver looked good though they lost to Indy. Makes for a good line. Everybody will have "Big Ben" dead and buried and Plummer's everybody's' boy now. I'm guessing you'll get points with the Steelers. What a bargain!

San Diego and Cleveland: I admit, Cleveland surprised me by beating the Jets. They'll be getting points, but not nearly enough. Take the Chargers.

The late game with Indianapolis and New England is too close for me, as is Monday night with the Seahawks and the Raiders. I may change that when I see the line and who's playing.

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