I just endured watching the New England Patriots stomp the hapless New York Jets on Monday Night Football and I seriously can't believe how totally useless the ESPN crew supposedly broadcasting the game are.
As I watched the game I seriously could not believe how stupid and inept the commentary was. While there was action on the field the morons supposedly providing play-by-play yapped about totally insignificant things. Frankly, I can't even remember what none sense they were talking about. All I know is they had no interest in what was going on. Instead, they were more concerned with the sound of their own voice and spouting totally useless garbage that in no way enhanced the event.
ESPN will, undoubtedly, fire the entire crew next season since every one of the nameless bunch is useless. No reason to have them on air since they overtly don't have any idea what their job is. Hell, I watched the game expecting the Patriots to stomp the Jets, and I enjoyed the massacre, but the commentary by Curly, Larry and Moe almost made me turn the channel or at least mute the sound.
How do idiots like this even get a chance at ruining football games? These morons were so annoying that by half-time I, along with just about everybody else viewing the game, was ready to change channels since the outcome was obvious and the pain associated with watching the second half was almost unbearable.
I know these guys used to play professional ball, but, since they can't do anything else, why do I have to be subjected to their stupidity? Is being a moron a qualification valued by ESPN? Listen...I am more then willing to take their place along with any two random individuals and I can absolutely guarantee a superior broadcast! And at half the price!!
Listen: if ESPN is out to completely destroy the event known as MNF so be it. If they want to make it at least viewable, get rid of the three idiots you have currently wrecking the event and put anybody else in their place. Seriously, I'll do it and I have two friends who won't be any where near as annoying as the useless losers you currently have. Fans every where will appreciate it. And I'm sure we'll be much cheaper then the over-priced schmucks now destroying a football tradition.